Our history


After supporting Redhill General Hospital before the Second World War, the Friends moved to support East Surrey Hospital. Its current Governing Committee consists of 12 Volunteer Members, who are also Trustees of the Charity (no 287535).


The Friends unfortunately lose their West End shop after 28 years of service to the community. The East End, however, continues to flourish and was refurbished to become the main source of income. It is serviced by more than 100 volunteers and is open 7 days a week.


To date £4,300,000 has been raised and donated to the Hospital. Due the the Coronavirus pandemic the East Entrance shop closes and the Friends donate all stock to the hospital for distribution to the staff and patients. The premises are transformed into the hospital’s PPE hood testing hub which is still used as a vital part of infection control.


As of June 1st, a counter was reopened to provide hot and cold drink along with a small selection of snacks. The Friends eagerly await the completion of a purpose-built cafe outside the Hospital’s East Entrance.  We currently have over 300 members.